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Monday, April 06, 2009

Productivity Tip #1 - Embrace Technology

Be aware of others who do not embrace technology. They prefer to use a horse and buggy while the majority realize that a car will typically get you there 1000 times faster.

In today's business world there are people who unconsciously, in most cases, manage in highly ineffective ways.

Case #1
For example, rather then send an email they call 5 times in a row and leave many voice mail messages. Mean while you do not have a secretary to transcribe the long winded messages, and you end up spending 30 minutes sifting through to locate the point of what is being said.

Case #2
Another example is when someone needs something from you, they get up from their desk and walk to the other side of the floor to 'hunt you down'. In their mind they need to speak with you in person in order to get what they need. Needless to say, you are on a conference call and they don't bother to apologize for interrupting you. They even begin speaking to you oblivious to the fact that you are holding a telephone receiver in your hand. You look at them and politely state that you are busy right now. However they continue to talk at you, so you turn around and continue your conversation.

These are just two examples of how your productivity is impacted by someone who does not embrace technology. In today's world we have limited resources, and time is money. Be aware of what others do and how it effects your productivity. Don't let them force you to ride in a horse and buggy! ;-)

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