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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

External dependencies in Your Project Schedule

External dependencies
Does your project schedule contain dependencies? Often people build schedules with internal task level dependencies, but does your schedule identify tasks that are external to the work your team is performing? For example, if you are working with an external vendor, does your schedule contain milestones identifying deliverables that you are expecting and when you expect them?

It is very easy to filter a project schedule for external dependencies, particularly if you use a naming convention such as prefixing dependencies and milestone. For example, XYZ Company Milestone - Test Environment Available 6/5/06 You may also insert a column in your schedule to flag rows that are external dependency tasks.

Once the external dependency tasks are identified, meet with the external resources and walk them through your plan to verify that the dates match their expectations. You may need to negotiate and adjust your schedule, however you will be more likely to succeed and deliver your project on time if the external dependencies are clear and communicated.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

So much to do and so little time...

Time management and high productivity are critical elements in successful project management.

Typically there are 7 to 8 hours in a work day. Have you ever wondered 'how can I get everything done that needs to happen with in such a short time frame?'

In today's work place, there are so many options available to help you manage your time. Tools such as Lotus Notes and MS Outlook, not to mentions the numerous free web based schedule management tools. You can easily track and plan your activities by the minute! If you use these tools you will find that you CAN control your schedule and time.

Helpful tips:
Plan what you have to do in advance. For example, if you know that on Tuesdays you have several meetings and barely enough time to take lunch, try the following:

- Write in your calendar on Friday and/or Monday a reminder to prepare the details you will need on Tuesday.
- On Friday write the agenda and send it to participants.
- On Friday or Monday, prepare and print the supporting documentation for the meeting.
- On Friday or Monday, deliver the handouts to your administrative assistant to make copies, and specify to him when you need the copies. Leave a margin of time just in case the assistant experiences unplanned events that may delay completing your request on time.
- On Wednesday, add you your calendar a reminder to prepare and publish the minutes.
- Allocate 10-15 minutes in your schedule to update the project schedule and CHAIR log (changes, action item, issues, and risks log)
- During the rest of the week, update the agenda with details that you want to communicate in the meeting

Use the technology available to you to automate your time so that you are more productive. You will find that you do not need to be a rocket scientist. The vast majority of management tools are designed for people who are not computer savvy. Take the time to learn the basic skills needed and you will find that success is only limited by your choices. Choose to be successful by better managing your time, and experience how your productivity increases.