Productivity tip #6 - Weekly Status Report
Weekly status reports are short and simple. Monthly status reports contain more detail. Go to my website and login to pick up your free project management templates, including various weekly and monthy status report templates.
- If it takes you more than 15-30 minutes to complete the status report then there is an issue with the status report template you are using.
- A good status report template has instructions.
- If you have metrics such as 'probability' you must include a legend that defines what 1-5 means. If some one hands you a status report template with metrics of 1-10 ask them why they need 10 numbers. An effective impact and probabilty scale has 5 options NOT 10 or more.
- Be aware of content areas in the status report. Do not duplicate information in the report. Do not exepect users to duplicate information that they maintain in a 'CHAIR' log (changes, action items, issues, and risks) or project schedule.
- If you are trying to introduce standards into an organization that has none you need to make your templates simple, clear to understand,short (one page), and user friendly.
If you apply these tips you will be able to get more done.
- If it takes you more than 15-30 minutes to complete the status report then there is an issue with the status report template you are using.
- A good status report template has instructions.
- If you have metrics such as 'probability' you must include a legend that defines what 1-5 means. If some one hands you a status report template with metrics of 1-10 ask them why they need 10 numbers. An effective impact and probabilty scale has 5 options NOT 10 or more.
- Be aware of content areas in the status report. Do not duplicate information in the report. Do not exepect users to duplicate information that they maintain in a 'CHAIR' log (changes, action items, issues, and risks) or project schedule.
- If you are trying to introduce standards into an organization that has none you need to make your templates simple, clear to understand,short (one page), and user friendly.
If you apply these tips you will be able to get more done.
Labels: productivty, project management, project management professional, status reporting