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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Do the right thing - Contract Managemet

The project or program manager should participate in the statement of work (SOW) and master service agreement (MSA) negotiation process.

1. Work with the procurement team to ensure that all processes and procedures have been thought through in terms of how they will be executed.

2. Read the contracts thoroughly. Highlight and dogie ear pages so that you can easily refer to them. Keep the marked up copies so you can easily compare newer versions of the contract to the changes you previously requested.

3. Have senior managers from departments that are also impacted should review and comment on the contracts.

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Friday, April 24, 2009

You can't read a book to become a project manager

Project management requires common sense and creativity. If you don't know how to figure things out using common sense and you lack the ability to be able to invent ways to get things done then project management is not be for you!

Many people are good at reading books and repeating back what they read. Don't be fooled when interviewing people who are all "talk" and not personally capable. During the interview throw a situation or two at them and see if they have any common sense and creativity. By the way you really cannot measure these skills in a test. That is why many of the project management exams that supposidly qualify you as a "professional project manager" are really a joke. They are a scam to take your money. Don't fall for it! From my over 16 years as a manager virtually 99% of the people I have met that took one if those tests fail regularly in real life as a manager because inatetly they lack common sense and creativity. Copying someone else's material or parroting theories about how things should work is not how a successful organization should be run. Avoid hiring people who really cannot do the job. You cannot read a book to become a project manager.

Dora Tarver 4/25/09

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Project Management - The Art of Getting Things Done

In a nut shell, project management is the art of getting things done. There are various tools and techniques available to help you get things done, but ultimately if you do not deliver (on time, within budget, and meet or exceed expectations) then you fail to manage successfully.

If you manage a person who can never deliver, where years pass and nothing of real value is accomplished, then that person needs an education in project management best practices or a career change.

Management should evaluate accomplishments in order to determine the level of productivity. Management should survey direct reports to a manager to determine if the manager is effective or dysfunctional. An organization's success is dependent it's level of productivity. So if someone in your organization cannot get things done and re-education is not changing their ability get things done, then it is time to find a new resource.

Learn the art of getting things done. It is easy if you simply take action!

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Productivity Tip #5 - Review Work flow Processes

Work flow processes are often designed in the spur of the moment as a reaction to an event rather than a well thought through response to an event. Most 'reactionary processes' are simply weak and ultimately effect your schedule's time line as well as leave a negative impression on the people who have to use it.

When you are in a situation where you are given a work flow process that appears to limit your functionality then think of a better work flow process that allows you and your team to accomplish your goals.

Never hesitate to review work flow processes whether they originate internally or come from a vendor. The work flow processes that you use will impact the success of your project.

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Productivity Tip #4 - Plan your day...

If you plan your day then you will find that you are able to get more done. Yes, I mean write it down! If you can hold your plan in your mind that is okay, but if you write it down in your calendar and then refer to your calendar throughout the day then this is the best practice to follow to get things done.

If you need to allocate time to read emails, prepare for meetings, or even eat lunch then write it in your calendar. When someone asks you to do something add it into your.calendar just like you would a meeting.

Every morning review your calendar and make updates into your calendar during the day. I prefer to use a computer software calendar that I synchronize with my PDA (personal digital assistant). This way I always have access to my calendar.

Take a few minutes to plan your day rather than running around reacting to events. You will find that you are able to get more done during your day.

If what you planned to achieve is not accomplished then update your calendar. Using this technique you will not loose track of activities and always deliver.

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Friday, April 10, 2009

Productivity Tip #3 - Mental Clarity

In order to be able to effectively manage and respond to situations you need mental clarity. If you maintain a clear mind you will find that you are better able to respond to all situations.

The are many ways to create and maintain mental clarity however I will share with you one technique that can be easily applied, and that has numerous variations so that you can find an approach that best suits your mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.

The Technique:
Set aside 20 minutes to sit and be still physically and mentally. Let go of your thoughts, fears and desires. Focus on a point in front of you or close your eyes and focus on the center of your chest in the sternum area. Allow your thoughts to slow down. If a thought arises re-focus. Slowly and consciously inhale and exhale. Be still. Practice this technique for 20 minutes. During this time you will connect with your energy and obtain clarity.

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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Productivity Tip #2 - eMail Management

You can manage your emails easily every day if you implement a few quick tasks every day.

The first task is to schedule time (10 or 15 minutes) in your calendar in the morning, afternoon, and end of the day to review messages.

The second task is to learn to scan messages for those that need your reply.

The third task is to create project folders and sub folders. Create folders with the label of the senders name. Folder names may also have the department or company name in the folder name. Be creative! Create labels that help you organize information.

Fourth task is to communicate to others to be removed from distribution lists that you do not need.

The fifth task is to create email rules that will automatically file messages.

Tell me what other challenges you have?

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Monday, April 06, 2009

Productivity Tip #1 - Embrace Technology

Be aware of others who do not embrace technology. They prefer to use a horse and buggy while the majority realize that a car will typically get you there 1000 times faster.

In today's business world there are people who unconsciously, in most cases, manage in highly ineffective ways.

Case #1
For example, rather then send an email they call 5 times in a row and leave many voice mail messages. Mean while you do not have a secretary to transcribe the long winded messages, and you end up spending 30 minutes sifting through to locate the point of what is being said.

Case #2
Another example is when someone needs something from you, they get up from their desk and walk to the other side of the floor to 'hunt you down'. In their mind they need to speak with you in person in order to get what they need. Needless to say, you are on a conference call and they don't bother to apologize for interrupting you. They even begin speaking to you oblivious to the fact that you are holding a telephone receiver in your hand. You look at them and politely state that you are busy right now. However they continue to talk at you, so you turn around and continue your conversation.

These are just two examples of how your productivity is impacted by someone who does not embrace technology. In today's world we have limited resources, and time is money. Be aware of what others do and how it effects your productivity. Don't let them force you to ride in a horse and buggy! ;-)

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Change is here but to be effective we need integrity too!

The company that I am working at recently reorganized and now I report to a different manager. Personally I like change. I realize that it is natural and healthy, but it would be best if change follows basic rules of integrity. For example, I noticed years ago that many businesses operate in a way that is highly questionable, and through the years I have witnessed these businesses fail due to the lack of implementing the basic rules of integrity.

What is meant by the phrase 'basic rules of integrity'? Well it is simple. It means operating and managing honestly and fairly, which from my observations is rare. It means hiring qualified people not someone you know or because someone else knows that person and you want to score points with the other person. It means realizing that people who seek "power" and who want to control others simply have an unhealthy relationship with their ego and are in fact the most unqualified. Hiring someone who is 'all talk' is a blatent error many make. Also hiring someone simply becuase they read a book about the topic and may have taken a test on the subject is also a mistake. Reading about something and actually doing the job are two very different things. I once met a very successful business man who said 'I never select someone who projects their energy at me for a position. Choose the humble qualified person instead.'

In order to be successful people simply need to do the right thing. If that has not occured in your orgnaization then now is the time for change, however change with integrity in order to be successful.